How to Let User to Make Payment directly After Register as a New User?

Step 1: Click Programs > Classes/Events menu at the left panel under Management category.

Step 2: Choose which Classes/Events. Then, click the Edit icon.

* Edit icon

Step 3: Once you clicking the Edit icon, the Edit Class form or Edit Event form will appear as shown.

Step 4: On the Edit Class form or Edit Event form, click on the Payment enabled checkbox.

Step 5: You also need to click the View button on events/classes page. Then, choose Fee Details.

i) Click View button

ii) Choose Fee Details navigation

iii) Then, click the Edit icon. Edit Event/Class Fee form will appear as shown.

Step 6: At the Edit Event/Class Fee form, click the Registration Fee checkbox to make sure the payment will be included after user successful registered.

Step 7: Once user has submitting the Registration Application form, you will able to view it on Applications menu under Management category.

i) User submitting the application form successfully.

ii) View the Application form on the Applications menu.

Step 8: At the Applications page, click the Approve button to approve the application.

* Approve button

Step 9: Once you has approving the application, user will receive emails to proceed with the payment.

i) Account Registered email

ii) Application Approved email