Available topics:
2.1 Student/Player/Asset List Report
2.2 Student/Player/Asset Yearly Statement
2.5 Student Attendance Details
2.1 Student/Player/Asset List Report
Step 1: Click the Player/Student/Asset > Player/Student/Asset List at the left panel under Reports category.

Step 2: Once clicking the Player List, the Player List Report page will appear.

Step 3: Click the Export CSV button to export the report into the Excel file.
* Export CSV button

Step 4: Click the Print button to print the Payment Listing report.
* Print button

2.2 Student/Player/Asset Yearly Statement
Step 1: Click Player/Student/Asset > Yearly Statement at the left panel under Reports category.

Step 2: Once clicking the Yearly Statement, Player Yearly Statement page will appear.

Step 3: At this page, user able to generate the Player Yearly Statement report by filtering them with Player or Date. Then, click the Generate Report button.
* Generate Report button

2.3 Program Summary
Step 1: Click menu Reports>Students>Program Summary at the left panel under Reports category.

Step 2: You are able to view the Program Summary reports.

Step 3: Click the Print button to print the Payment Listing report.
* Print button

2.4 Yearly Student Attendance
Step 1: Click menu Reports>Students>Yearly Student Attendance at the left panel under Reports category.

Step 2: Click Generate Report button to view the attendance yearly report details. You are also able to filter the report by Start Date, End Date, Class, and Session.

Step 3: Click the Export CSV button to export the report into the Excel file.
* Export CSV button

Step 4: Click the Print button to print the Yearly Student Attendance report.
* Print button

2.5 Student Attendance Details
Step 1: Click menu Reports>Students>Student Attendance Details at the left panel under Reports category.

Step 2: Click Generate Report button to view the attendance yearly report details. You are also able to filter the report by Start Date, End Date, Student, Class, and Session.

Step 3: Click the Export CSV button to export the report into the Excel file.
* Export CSV button

Step 4: Click the Print button to print the Yearly Student Attendance report.
* Print button

Video Tutorial
Student/Player/Asset List Report
Student/Player/Asset Yearly Statement Report