1. How to Register Students/Players/Assets?

Step 1 : Click Students/Players/Assets menu at the left panel.

Step 2: Click New Player button to create a new player data.

Step 3: Once user click the New Player button, Add New Player form will appear. Fill in the information needed and click Create button to save the data.

2. How to View Existing Students/Players/Assets?

Step 1: Click the View button at the Action section on Players/Students/Assets page.

Step 2: Once user click View button, View Player page will appear. User able to edit player data by clicking the Edit button. At this page, user also able to manage Events, Members, Payment Details, and Documents.

3. How to Edit Existing Students/Players/Assets?

Step 1: Click the Edit icon at the Action section on Players page to edit the player’s details.

Step 2: Once user click the Edit icon, Edit Player form will appear. User able to update the player’s details and click Update button to save the data.

4. How to Delete Existing Students/Players/Assets?

Step 1: Click the Delete icon on Action section at the Players page to delete the player’s data.

Step 2: Once user click the delete icon, a delete message will appear.

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